Punjabi Haldi Ceremony – Houston, TX

Trishna & Jai, a power couple at its finest! They shared such a genuine love with us that we will never forget. We were so fortunate to spend their Haldi day with them! From laughter and jokes to a love that crossed all boundaries, Trishna and Jai were definitely a joy to shoot. Here is a view into the beautiful Haldi with this energetic couple!

Sikh Wedding haldi ceremony
This Haldi energy is contagious!


Sikh Wedding Haldi ceremony
Haldi Attack – It’s all fun and jokes with these two!


Sikh Wedding Haldi ceremony
Smiles, smiles and more smiles!


Sikh Wedding Haldi ceremony bride
Haldi face! What a gorgeous bride?!


Sikh Wedding Haldi ceremony groom
The groom gets a turn too!


Sikh Wedding Haldi ceremony
Brother-in-law’s Haldi Blessings or Haldi Attack?


Sikh Wedding Haldi ceremony
Successful haldi!


Sikh Wedding Haldi ceremony
And the laughter continues!


Sikh Wedding Haldi ceremony tahli
Traditional Haldi Tahli


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